I am asking more about his experimental processes... he didn't really explain in detail how he went about it, just a general statement, so there...
when you say one is three levels above the other, are you saying that one is on the top floor/roof and the other is on the bottom floor and there...
I thought 2v2 was going to be in this first round, but I just don't know. I will tell you that I think they are going to find a lot of problems...
Which was why having one really large and diverse forge world was able to carry forgers for the entire life cycle of Reach.
So what you are saying is that you know what someone else will find fun... do you see the problem with your position? Quit thinking everyone...
Did you try changing the orientation of the ramp in your test? Could it be that the angle was optimal, but if turned along one of the axis it...
I would recommend that if you are trying to enumerate the items/labels that must be found on the map to avoid the warning message, then you might...
As far as I know, the CC show maps to 343i, 343i then choose what to put into the forge test playlist. From there we the community gives feedback...
i think you are missing the point. WE the community will be giving our feedback on them in the forge test playlist, and that feedback will be used...
I know, right? I suspect we will like the way this is handled.
it is all new and we are still learning about this. but the community maps that the CC put forth to 343i will go into this playlist and we...
This and... We’ll provide the complete list of maps this weekend in the Matchmaking section of our forums. Once the playlist is live, we’ll...
do you even have enough of them? I mean are you using all 100 pieces?
if vehicles are market extraction target, they blow up. the act of the extraction on the extraction target objective pieces looks like they...
Yes, you are correct. Skill, which does include strategy and coordination, is something that should be rewarded. However, take a look at the game...
While this may be the primary reason or a secondary reason, I do not know. Do you have a cite from 343i or CertainAffinity as to explaining their...
Like Hulk point out, the standard we should follow is the playlist. What they share in common is what your map should share in common with them....
I was a bit bothered by the constant slamming of 343i/CA for their decisions on Forge for Halo 4. But I loved the calm voices as though they were...
Excellent work on the dome structure. Very novel... The structure next to it is the only piece that looks out of place because it leans over. The...
Lack of quality forging demonstrates lack of QA, nothing else. Lack of precision editing demonstrates they either didn't know that it was a...