TEAM_ONLY also is NOT recognized by Infection, meaning that if you use this label, you will have betrayed humans and zombies spawning anywhere on...
I question if a map would look or play well if it required a ton of the budget to begin with. This is why I really shy from FW. You often need a...
I apologize for coming off strong earlier. Let me try this again. It would be nice if we could determine the radius of influence. But without...
But by definition, they are professionally made, because their profession is level design.
I apologize for coming off strong. Please let me try this again. If you have a specific configuration and you test it 100 times, and each time...
As I think about the title of this thread, one only need to study the bungie maps. They are "professionally made" in the literal sense... ;)
Look, it comes down to they told us what we had to work with and how those pieces function. With that information, you can use the tools they gave...
Ya, I would call it a guess... a freaking wild guess. I can only tell you that my career as a software engineer tells me it is nothing more than...
I have seen this argument before. But it assumes that you can define systematic behavior by observing empirical evidence, and you cannot. Edited...