I'm sure if you ask nicely people will donate their eyes... I mean you only need one to see. Also I think the sauron one is pretty sweet but the...
The sigs look good but I just don't get how the paint dripping has anything to do with House.
I would also suggest posting it here so you get multiple peoples attempts at it.
I don't know what you mean by everytime you refresh but you can make a slideshow of your sigs and save it as a .gif and then put it as you sig and...
Yours did but like two the people that I've made sigs for have tried to rep me but it didn't count. Also I repped you for your help.
Okay this is a bit off topic but what does it mean when a gray bar appears in your added rep area in the User CP? Edit: Also kudos on the sig...
I'm glad you like them. Since I didn't meet you size request here is a cropped version. [IMG] Okay Vinny I tried to feather and I set it to 10...
Okay so I took Vinny's advice and I put a green color layer on top of the background and I changed the text so it was more readable. Edit:...
I like the first cause it's darker. But you could always use the burn tool to fix that one the second one. I like the background it looks like you...
Here you go. It's 500 x 150 just so you know. [IMG] Rep me if you like it.
I'll give it a shot.
I like V.5 too.
Lots of people are saying to mirror the text so could someone explain how?
Yeah... I just kind of threw the render on because at the layer I was at it wasn't really looking like a great sig I was gonna keep and I didn't...
Yeah... I know it's not the greatest... I was just at a loss for a better title.
Wow DizFunky... I really like your diagram.
Okay so I started with this tut Colorful Forum Signature Tutorial | Forum Signatures | Tutorialgod and then deviated and mixed it up and I think...
I like it. It looks 2d too much though but the colors and style of the BG really make the main render pop.
Yeah I'll give it a shot in about two hours. I need more specifics though.
I think it looks decent... Not fond of the font though.