Your work seems kinda emo... Luv it! I really like the dripping floating tree one.
They are all good but I REALLY don't like the third one. I can't tell what the main thing is and it just seems like it is too blurry, pixely and...
The pen tool in each is the same... I just made a line with swirls at the end and put a outer glow on it. I didn't use it too much even though I...
Thanks Draxfear... I never would have noticed that. Anyway I just posted a V.3 so check it out.
Yeah I know there is a problem with the oldschool but I tried other colors and you couldn't see them very well and they didn't look as good. :/
I don't only do popouts... This is a recent one. [IMG] (I think you helped critique it) But yes I have been leaning towards popouts because I...
Create an award winning documentary about what? Also YES I'M A DEMON!!!!!!!!!
I don't really like anything about either of them... I mean they seem kind of too grungy and the render is too covered and the text isn't readable...
I think it's not downloading but anyway hi... I didn't know you left because I came after you left but anyway... I think you should just cut off...
I like it... *Drools* (Not joking) ;)
Okay I know this isn't the best but my sister wanted it so I made it. I tried to make it good with sticking to defaults since everyone tells me to...
Wow that worked out better than I expected. Leaving off the feet made it so that the userbar looks like part of the sig!
The first one. As in the not my current signature one.
LOCK said that I posted too many at a time so I just want the two above... The one I posted and my current sig. Or just one if you only do one at...
Here is the second one. [IMG] Edit: New pic... the old one had some mistakes that I fixed.
Okay since you said only one at a time how about this one. [IMG] Also could you critique the one in my current signature.
Wow... you're really good. I especially like the first one.
Wow... Nice tut... Very helpful and has a nice outcome.
Okay how about these ones... A couple I made for other people though. [IMG] Mine [IMG] Made for Nemihara [IMG] Mine [IMG] Made for...
I like the second one the most! They should definetly change it.