I like the sketchy feel. It seems like the inside of peach isn't even there but like the black lines are on a crumpled piece of paper which is...
Fine.... I'm sorry. Hells is right we need to give you constuctive criticism. Also Hells I forget who but someone told me that "Lens Flares are...
Yeah I would use Sdrakulich's store... He is really good and does the sigs pretty fast.
I like this tutorial... It is pretty easy and looks good.
Yeah... I was going to make a hand drawn sig but I never got around to it. I'm a good drawer and my friend is amazing but I just never got around...
I like it a lot. Looks almost like a Clone Trooper... Great Job!
What do you mean by less harsh? Does it need to be lighter or darker or what?
I like it... Nice class choice. It's not like you're gonna need anything they teach you in biology :). Edit: Have you thought of feathering the...
Such as...
I think it's a great idea. A lot of the FH members that do the shops and stuff have a lot of cool effects and BG's that they do. A lot of them are...
I made a V.2 with all your advice and I think it turned out pretty well. I didn't colorize it though because in the way I have it set up I would...
Okay I'll try that later tonight. Thanks for the advice.
Okay... That was a little harsher than I expected but whatever. Your main thing was that the C4d when tonto the render too much. I did that on...
Yeah I know... I can never find a bunch of the stuff they are talking about. Like today I finally found out that when in the brushes selecting on...
When you get a C4d do you cut it out or when you download it does it come cut out? I've just been using print screen for all my renders and C4d's...
Okay so people were saying to make a sig that took some time and wasn't a popout so here is what 3 hours got me. [IMG] Here is a V.2. I...
It looks really good. The render you picked worked very well with your background. I think you should put your name on it though. Also the face is...
Okay I've posted this like 8 times.... Will someone critique it already! [IMG]
I tried to make one that took a while... But I'm just fast and have like zero attention span. The one in my spoiler only took like an hour and it...