Looks like it came out good but I'm not liking the B&W though. The reast looks great though.
You kinda need some more requests if you need a partner though. I woulda done the Carbine one but u already called it but w/e I'll get the next...
New versions of the Galaxy Chief up...
Okay... Sounds cool. As I said if you want me and knight to help I will. Oh and my skillz can be found in Lord Terrax XII Sig Dump which at the...
So ur making an entirely different site? Edit: If u need a third person I'll help.
What exactly are you looking for your partner to do?
Thanks new one up... Used tut for the general gist of it but improvised.
I like it... Simple but it has curb appeal.
Okay Pirates.... Yours seems way too bland. I like what you have going but it just isn't there. The whatever you did to make the dots or whatever...
Okay so I've just had a bunch of threads and I want to organize all my new sigs so here they are... Also I'm not posting any of my noob ones from...
Yeah... I'll help u.
I really like it. It was improved a lot from the original render. Did you use a clipping mask or just cut out the explosion? Also the lens flare...
I might be interested but I need to see some of your work and also you might get an infraction for your sig so I'd change it.
Dude Hells, I cut out a render of that pic for someone... I think their user was slipknot something but the Spikey head dude was a *****!
Hmmm. Four shouldn't be too many. I have no clue then. Sorry.
I vote for Nealsaviking because Venom kicks ass!
How many pics do you have rotating? If you have too many it won't work because it counts all the individual url's.
I like the swirly brushes on Deviant Art but at Free Photoshop Brushes at Brusheezy! They have a bunch of cool ones but they might just be...
Okay so .Core I couldn't get it to be green since I don't feel like redoing it so if you have a quick way of changing it without a gradient map...
Yeah I'm not a fan of the white line either but the rest of the sig looks amazing!