So here is all the news from yesterday. Here is what I was thinking format wise. Will this work for you guys? Halo 4 News of 5/9 -Halo...
I wish I could edit the op, but I guess I could just post it. I'll compile all of the new stuff and links for today and post it near the end of...
It just doesn't make since to me lol.
Played the demo and did not have the slightest clue on what the hell I was supposed to do.
So should I buy this even if I haven't ever played it?
Yeah, it's called the rail gun.
I think I like the name Emerald Park over the new one. I think Viridi Paradiso is too busy. As for the map itself, I like it. Good location, and a...
New info to be revealed in the next OXM. "Subscribers will be receiving their copies in the coming days." I think it's gonna be a good week of info.
Hi there.
Special Edition Podcast: Halo 4 - Podcasts -
Bulletin. A pretty good one this week, actually written by Frankie.
While I wasn't terribly impressed graphically, horses seem...interesting.
Never played minecraft. Since all I've heard about this game is good things, I will probably get it.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Reveal Trailer in High Definition
First one reminds me of waterfront from Reach. I like these, nice job.
The Inspirations For Halo 4 - Features - You can see the new magnum.
Oh thanks. Kinda forgot about it lol.
They're still working on weapon balancing. I wouldn't be surprised if something like that will change before release.
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