[IMG] We better get to drive this.
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@Artifact, Doubt it. I think they're gonna do missions from the ground up. They'll probably let you play 'season 1' for free and then when season...
interview shock
I'll be able to finish it tonight.
Anyone up for testing tomorrow night?
Hey shock. I was thinking that it'd be a good idea to make an announcement for this comtest that 343 is currently running. Thanks.
Link. I thought you guys would be interested in this new contest being held by 343. Basically you make an objective map and submit it for...
I think you'll be able to see it. Pretty sure it's just in the same universe, not really tied into the plot too much.
Some new (non-leaked) pictures.
Not saying there is zombies or anything, but this is some WEIRD ****.
Sky Blitz Sky Blitz is my latest mini game project that has been in the works for a couple of weeks now. It's an attack/defend game where...
Yeah I've been watching these. Kinda cheesy, but theyre kinda cool too.
@Loscocco, Maybe 2 shotguns with different strengths?
As long as you don't embed it. I'd rather not look at it everytime I check this thread lol.
Article. So most of you guys probably have heard of this by now, but last Saturday in Miami, a homeless man ate another man's face, 75% to be...
[IMG] Oceanic armor.
Halo 3 was mine. I'd get a new game, beat it, and move back to it. Same with Reach I guess, just not as much.
Right now I'm just excited mainly for everything but matchmaking. Campaign looks great, SO sounds great, and (I hope) forge and customs will be...