Wanna do it now?
Jusr for you [IMG] and [IMG] I know you like penguinsso this is a gift some pictures that i took
Wow, those are some of the sweetest sigs i have seen ABCrew should deffinitly put these for there sigs
I am Pacific Standards Time (California) so whats the time diffrence
IRC most likely a lil bit later today
is CANNON pissed off at you
are you almost done? just asking no pressure.
i want my sig to stand out, so when people are scrolling down there page they have to stop where my sig is because its so bright with rainbow...
I took the pic but cant do anything with it cant copy and paste and theres no link. How do i do it?
4 redbars!
weird gamertag
I...r so sad...dat you........retired
Hey do you know how to take a pic with your computer. Some how you can get it so you can drag you mouse and make a box around the thing you eant...
das a cool pic u got ter
i r so excited for my thing ur making, is it almost done
Is that you in the pics in your albub if so you sound older
I see you know aout rep abuse. What is it?
just the normal forge monitor
No i didnt