Its hard to tell from the pictures, but it looks very much like the orignial. -Donuts
Wow this could spur some awesome results. Thanks :-) Could be a good forging 101. -Donuts
Too bad there will be no more new movies out for it... -Donuts
That map looks different than what I was imagining, I was thinking something floating made out of double boxes. -Donuts
There was a picture of this in bungie favorites a while back. -Donuts
I would love some greenday that would be pretty awesome. I am still surprised that they got a contract from Blink. -Donuts
Re: La Rampa (Rampy v1.5) Very good job on this just downloaded it, I cant wait to play! -Donuts
This could actually be very fun the way tit explained it. -Donuts
Very Helpful! Now if only I could have more than the number of the items on the map. -Donuts
Yep... that is really one minute and twenty two seconds long -Donuts
Blu-Ray won they got the one big company that HDDVD had on their side now. Dont waste your money on a HDDVD player -Donuts
These maps look very nice. I really like the water one it has a very nice feel to it. You did a good job on making them clean also! -Donuts
Hello, Welcome to ForgeHub I hope you like it here. If you want to post your maps make sure to read all the how to's. We all love canadian's so...
Cleaned up the topic -Donuts