This map looks very professional. If I had my xbox I would definatley download it. -Donuts
wow nice a game maker :-) -Donuts
Re: Life of a Turret - Portal Video That was pretty good, I laughed pretty hard when the companion cube dropped on top of them haha. -Donuts
That was very disturbing... -Donuts
I actually thought it was pretty good, you are a lot better than me... I would call it my sniping/stick promo haha -Donuts
There is the 30G version, the size is much smaller and is smoother, and the touch wheel thing. -Donuts
Everything is a better alternative to windows movie maker, I would recommend Sony Vegas for premium editing or Adobe Fireworks. -Donuts
I love my zune, I want a second edition :-( I have had mine for about a year and a half, I love it I have no scratches on it and the...
Well for the first time ever call of duty is no longer in the shadows of halo 3. Acording to MajorNelsons weekly live activity....
Personaly I like foundry and the amazing things that are coming out of it. People are wanting to have original ideas, therefore gameplay is...
It would be good, however it is not possible. -Donuts
It is, however here is the real question...What is next? -Donuts
you cant stop that unfortunatly -Donuts
Someone already did its in your original post... Thats why i gave you a time to correct it... -Donuts
that does not look fun at all it just looks like death... -Donuts
Ok I am going to vent for a second so bear with me... Why in gods name do people get so freakin pissy about people taking their maps. Big...
I understand this, but why does bungie limit us? It is our Hard drives why can we not make the descisions? -Donuts
ok this sounds really interesting can someone cap card that video so I can youtube it? -Donuts
oh goodness all these puzzle maps are going to kill my head. Good job though. -Donuts
These maps make me so angry...but they are so much fun!! Good post to btw -Donuts