I use photoshop, however I dont pay for anything... -Donuts
These are really cool, the only complaint I have about some of them is the camera work and the not knowing of what the objective was. -Donuts
Ok this is a good idea, however do not make the other one fly it is a lagging monster. Do not do that. You can move the elephant though. Take a...
Finally a Foundation remake that lives up to its original! One that includes the rooms and a good sized middle section. Thank you Shock! Thank...
Thats so awesome I love monkeys :P -Donuts
Yea, I am pretty sure we know about both. -Donuts
Be careful on copying this link down ok here it is... Bungie.net Hopefully you got it :P -Donuts
I love Blendtech! -Donuts
That was a good one :-) -Donuts
These maps were stickied, however we cleaned up the forum they are now in the useful links thread. -Donuts
Are you going to use vegas for the clan? Personally I like the name License to Kill (LTK), but thats just me -Donuts
The melee system does not bother me at all. -Donuts
Well I believe it matters. For example on my Moustrap map you spawn in an open room where there are teleporters everywhere and slowly fence boxs...
I dont know, however I think I would call it the rape pit of death... Thats just me. I would find someway to do it with fusion coils as well....
Do you play ultimate frisbee to? Poztar is a bro!! Everyone watch out! -Donuts
Edit your posts, please dont double post. -Donuts
Not again! This has been proven to be modded :-) -Donuts
I will most likely game pass it, I am not much of a Vegas person. -Donuts
Wow first two posts are put downs and a double post! Congratulations you LOSE! Please dont double post and lets stay positive here :-) -Donuts
Updated with suggested videos -Donuts