This looks great! Awesome layout, great weapon placement, and very smooth interlocking. I might suggest though, that you slightly lower the...
Ok. My bad. Sorry about that. By the way, congratulations on becoming a Journalist.
Then doesn't that mean I could report spam to you?
Hey, I just realized that when I posted that spam, you mustn't have looked at it until you were a Journalist. I posted it when you were a Mod. Lol.
Actually, you don't need any more than one embedded picture, you don't really need any of the other things tha you listed either, except for a...
Don't be sorry, we all make mistakes. And you made the map over the Summer? Not to be prying, but a little bit more info might be nice. If you fix...
Um, Is this the right place to report spam? The first post in this thread is spam.
Hey. I found some spam on a map post. Not sure if this is the right place. Here's the link.
Hello. I believe that your signature is too oversized, way over the 500 x 100 limit. I like your signature, but please resize it. Forgehub doesn't...
Basically, all you have to do to import pictures is: Go to either Photobucket or Imageshack. For Imageshack, upload the pic, click on it, then hit...
Sounds pretty good. Nice backstory. Hopefully you get your pics working, then we can see the map. I didn't get my pics working my first time...
This map is fantastic. Especially for your first map. This map looks astounding, it has bloody great interlocking, and you passed Forghub's...
Well, it's a bit late to create the Far Cry Boards, mate. It's already Mid-October, and it's says due September 10th. Was that 2008 or 2009?
If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, he has more money than you. Teh rofknife demands bl00d Todd. See? Lissen. Blood please...
Look, I'm going to go right out and say it. NeEdS MoAr InTeRlOcKiNg!!!11!1! Seriously, though, interlocking makes a map a lot more cheat proof,...
Well, it's pretty weapons heavy. Extremely one sided. 3 snipers? What weapons do the attackers have? Apart from that, the map looks okay. Nothing...
How come you sent me a FR?
You're sure this is your first post? This map looks great! Nice interlocking, and geomerging, it looks like it plays very well. The map overall...
What trouble? You were just interested were parts of my map came from. It's ok. Seriously though, I have never seen The Mechana before today...
Oh, that. That's part of the gate. Once the gate's activated, the dumpsters slide under the bridges. I'd never even heard of The Mechana before...