Ok, haha, I was wondering what it was. Thanks for telling me.
Hey, Adelyss. Just wondering, what the heck is your avatar? Is it a stone or something?
This map is sick! This is now on my top 5 Forgehub Racetracks. I love the whole city concept. I really like the train, the aesthetics, and that it...
I quite like this map. And I like the switches and time events that happen throughout. I also like the flying Spartan Laser concept. Nice job,...
Wow. These maps look amazing. And you posted extremely well, nice job. I like the theme of the maps, that works out really well. And the maps...
Photoshop. This map is the most epic map I've seen since Moon Waffle. Great job! The layout looks fantastic, the gameplay looks smooth, and the...
Hello again. I was wondering, can you check out one of my maps? I just want somebody's opinion on it.
Um...I don't really know. It looks okay, but it would help with a description. Such as, what is at the end, little pointers, etc. Just try doing...
Actually, I think there are a few race maps on Construct, and a few zombie ones too. Now, the map is very original. I very much like it. As long...
Ditto. But from the one picture I could make out, it doesn't look bad. But I'm not giving it an official rating yet. Good luck on fixing the pictures.
It looks pretty much like the original SkyCastle, but the original wasn't nearly as sloppy as yours, and it was a lot more fun to play. This looks...
Where is the image in your signature of a man being thrown over a cliff from?
Agle? I think he means angle. Anyway, the screenshot isn't the best. The green's the best part. Sorry. 5/10.
Yeah, this pic is very cool. The background seems really bleak and in complete contrast with the Spartans and the Warthog. It all works out really...
Your a guardian? Wow. When did this happen?
Yeah, my mate on XBL is a Gamerscore *****. He sent me a message two days ago that says he has 38,000 gamerscore. He now has 40,000!
Looks pretty cool. Though it sort of made me laugh a little that when you said that you had too many power weapons, your thought was to counter...
I don't get it. Are the humans meant to fly the banshee's or do the sombies pilot them? The map itself doesn't look very appealing either. 3/10....
Seriously? I'm getting into it, but COD 4 and Halo 3 are sort my top games. I guess it's an acquired taste.
Yeah, wouldn't mind chatting again. Sorry about the slow response, I went out to JB-HiFi to buy Fallout 3. Is it any good?