Needs moar Monday thread! pl0x
Do you have skype by any chance Shad0w?
This is ****ing amazing Frag! My little dude looks realistic and great and so do all the others. I liked your two other creations and can't wait...
Rainmeter, Objectdock, and anything else that can be downloaded to customize your desktop, is all personal preference. You don't need to have it,...
All three of these pieces of art were done in my art class at school. I know they're not the greatest and they shouldn't be, I'm in Art...
My name could possibly work, that is if you remove the 93, and if you even want to. Otherwise, I think they're pretty neat, and they deceit the...
Some good songs that are featured in NBA 2k10 there's a couple others, but I'm sure they've been posted here. YouTube- Iglu & Hartly - "In This...
Yeah, thanks for the suggestion, I've seen here posted on here before, or some one had her as their avatar.... The only decent image I can find...
I don't know about you guys but I hate when guys talk about MW2 at school, I personally love the game, but I just can't stand hearing guys like...
When you get the chance, if I were you I'd edit you're post, and mention to add an add blocker to your browser. But that's just me.
Thanks a lot guys for the help! ps Hayden is gorgeous
Seeing as this is several weeks away, I have no clue what the hell I'm doing on that day. Usually, if I'm not doing anything, I'm at home chillin,...
You guys know Isabella Lucas is the robot girl in Transformers 2, right?
Alright, I got some pictures, any one of these you guys recommend? [spoiler] Tell me which one you guys think would be best and/or if you don't...
Yeah, she's the only legitimate post in this thread, and she's a good candidate to use. As for your cropping, no matter what picture/person I use...
The only African American dude in my Art Class is using that exact picture of little wayne. lol
I don't know which meaning of iconic you're referring to, but from what I teacher said, there must be different values in the person's face, so...
I lold
For the next month in my Art class we will be doing a major project where we'll be drawing a person of choice in great detail and we will have to...
Just out of curiosity would my Wallpaper Pack be something that could possibly be mentioned about on gnaReport? I've decided that I would at least...