I can't really tell you any one in any of the cards, except Shannon, but it would be funny if there was a Chris Pucket card, and his power or...
I'll be receiving this snowstorm from 10 P.M. tonight till 12 P.M. Wednesday. It would be almost a miracle to get a snow day.
I'm going with American Eastern time zone. So I'll close it at around 12ish tonight, chill out man.
I'm going to bed, good night guys, see you next Monday!
It's totally fine dude, no worries.
ever get the blond chick to have sexy time with you? **** son it must be cash if you did
lol that book is at the very back and bottom of my locker collecting dust. I hope I never have to read it bro.
I'm happy someone benefited out of me opening it an hour or so early.
Just out of curiosity when did you usually open the Monday Thread? I didn't think it was a bad thing to happen it up an hour or so early.
Today is Monday in a lot of countries except mine, I'm going to bed after I make this post, so if I didn't open it right now, it wouldn't be open...
*Thread opened* Today(Sunday) I had a blast snowboarding, from 9 in the morning all the way till 30 minutes before kickoff. **** was so cash,...
I don't know about you guys but I found the Late show commercial to be one of the funniest ones.
I agree with Rook. I accidentally posted an identical thread like this in Game Discussion because I didn't see a thread in Game Discussion for...
I spent a week organizing everything together for one pack, I'm not doing it again 22 times, sorry it isn't happening.
My bad, I Didn't see that there. Locked
Xbox Press : A Letter from Marc Whitten: Discontinuation of Xbox LIVE for Original Xbox Games Dear Xbox LIVE Members, On April 15 we...
Dual monitors is if you have dual monitors, otherwise there are plenty of 1920 x 1080 walls throughout the pack. Otherwise, you're welcome. :D
Just chilling play xbox with my step brother.... you should check out my wallpaper pack broski
What's up Adeylissssp?
Is this supposed to be a rhetorical question? The odds are is that Bungie would most definitely include Forge into Reach. It's almost like if...