Because you commented my other Forge maps
Okay' i'll do it.....wait your the same pac-man guy.
Re: Border Patrol Okay, i see what you mean, i just hosted all the pictures for Border Patrol, im going to post them now.
I didn't have enough money to put anything else. But i just made a new version today. Thats way better than the original. I just gotta subscribe...
That takes too much work :squirrel_jaffa:
Re: Border Patrol Hey thx for your feedback. Are you gonna download it?
There is pics, under each class description, there is a pic or two of that class.
Map: Foundry Gametype: Slayer Description: OMG!!!, The best bowling Ally to open up. The Shihuru bowling Alley is one of the best. With its...
Map: Foundry Gametype: Slayer (CTF and Assault Coming Soon!) Description: --------------Choose Your Class And Fight!!!---------------- This is the...
Map: Rat's Nest Gametype: Infection and V.I.P Description: This map is only suppose to be played in infection games(can now be played with V.I.P,...
Hey guys i just signed up for the Forge Hub early today. Some one on recommend me joining this site. So is their like a forum where i...