Kinda funny how you said that since halo 2 and 3's multiplayer brings millions of people to play and spawn groups like MLG and bungie constantly...
so uh mr slick back.... i mean a pimp named slickback..... i get your name now lol
Anybody watch the vids I posted? All gang promotions. My favorite is the Ronin one they are cool and the brotherhood leader is a complete badass.
The game comes out 10/21/08. It's gonna be a good month for me because of this and SR2.
QFT SR2 will concentrate on a thing we play games for called FUN and not something we want to avoid called REALISM (Spellcheck sais thats a word).
That seems hard to believe but I guess there is a high percentage of people smoke just like in my town.
[IMG] Is the follow up to the first Saints row for the 360 that came out in 2006. It offered a wide variety of customization, open world,...
No because 1. Less people will drink. 2. 18 year olds are still as immature as they were in high school with their new freedom. A horriable ideal...
I loved Farcry's single player, it was the first game I bought on the 360. It was around the same month as halo 3's release so I obviously didn't...
Please, McCain has every one of his supporters hipnotized and they all think he is the greatest. He will be like George Bush. All his supporters...
Thats how you fail hard.
Sadly Microsoft has a strict policy against user made content. So only Ubisoft could make this happen.
Rename him after the Cloverfield monster =).
Oh good I can sleep at night now.
Uhhhhhhh........No. Good example: Halo Custom Edition
I wonder if it was a mini shotgun back then too.
IDK my only guess is that Microsoft doesn't believe in platformers anymore.
You do realize bungie can't stay ahead of this year's competition with extra maps? They have to work on a new game. But halo 3 does feel like a...
Saints row 2 (GTA4 killer) Official website Farcry 2 (Epic map maker, physics, and looks like to be a African version of cod4) Fable 2 (Never...
first 2 red rep bars i've seen nice =)