He lives in Cali so he's going to get his ass kicked.
I was actually afraid Oboma was going to choose Hildog.
Is there really a point for this topic? The H2 battle rifle was clearly better but was toned down and made fair in H3.
Recon should be unlockable. Bungie is complaining about people wanting recon when they should have just made it available to all in the first...
Because of Halo's gameplay and certain objects, but then again rivers and mountains.
Forge only needs one thing - A big empty map with a high roof. With just foundry's objects you could make anything. But because we only have...
As if her career wasn't dead.
Then what is the abilitys pint? I think the OP posted something that gave us a point. And Who cares? Go to the link posted from the OP, I'm sure...
Halo 3 is almost year old it can't last forever and halo 2 lasted very long because it was the only game on Xbox. Most fanboys realize that there...
Clearly you didn't read what the OP said.
Mirrors Edge looks like a matrix movie in first person so this game will be great I'm looking forward to it. Maybe we can play as Shawn Johnson.
Finally a good update (Will edit in my input once finished reading.) What I think about each of the playlist updates: [spoiler] OMFG just give...
Basically, the monsters from Dead Space make the Flood from halo 3 look like puppies.
Got it in the mail today. I'll look at the site.
I was suprised to get the new issue. I just got the wolfenstien one days ago now a Batman cover one.
Forgot Boondocks, sometimes futurama is on, Aqua Teen, and if Robot Chicken counts - Probably not. And DTL is right, every generation will think...
Was just reading about it on GameInformer.
What do expect from Bush and Cheney show..... Oh excuse me - Fox News. They are racist. They called Barack Oboma's wife his baby's mama. They are...
Just MGS4. Killzone 2, Resistance 2, and Socom will probably have a serious case of lag. Buying Bungie was very smart. But the E3 announcement...
There is though, its going to be great. I am looking forward to many things in this game.