I just read a book over the summer called The House of Scorpions, it was about a clone. I bring this up beacause other clones in the book weren't...
Fire Fox because i haven't encountered a single problem with it AOL IE is slow at start up and overall IE, No tabs when i had it and incredibly...
Just so you can get recon.
I actually started playing again and I'll tell you why - Back in 2004, I joned a clan for hit and I made alot of great friends. We were tight as...
Your rich go buy a new one! Jk I sent mine in a week or 2 ago still waiting for it.
Have him share a jail cell with hanibal lector in guatamina bay for life. I think thats good.
I just though of a few and yes its going to be another one of my long lists: "If its not interlocked, it sucks" "Nemi is here, so is Titmar"...
Ok people don't read rules at first common mistake and they will learn off of that and tips from others its not a big deal especially if they fix it.
o i remember u saying that u were going
hey did u go to pax and win recon?
AS14 Hammer - A automatic shotgun (Saints row 2) Splaser - A anti you and your passanger weapon (Halo 3) Redeemer - A portable computer that...
I don't think it will work (as in change Bungie's minds, maybe something else will.) but its worth trying.
Gta4. I was so excited for the game for it to have a great story, lots of destructive weapons, destructive vehicles, good customization, FUN, good...
Another win game was when me and 3 frends from my school were playing hardcore neutral bomb on narrows. We went against a team of 50s and knew we...
I agree, Oboma's security will be much more productive and McCain is doing alright for his age, he can walk and doesn't have alziemers (Yet, and I...
In conjuction with the fail thread, whats your best kill (or multi kill)? One time I got a tripple kill with the splaser. I was aiming at 1...
Mine lol, I have the worst luck with cones it never kills a enemy.
Wow it looks pretty incredible. But Matrix is green. But other than that it looks great.
Was playing VIP on the pit, i shot at the fusions with cones and for some reason the VIP was there and got splattered.
Grifball arena might work well i havent seen any great maps using it though.