lol ty, its not my family's though, its a commercial ship I think from the goverment idk.
GL with that. Also wish GL to my dad, hes on a cargo ship worth 100's of millions of dollars and they are hiding it during the hurricane.
now im worried, im getting the new iPod touch tommorow. maybe nobody found out yet cause it seems im the only 1 that knows about it at school.
They seriously know what we want. All it is now is the same **** - Banning, No more info on TU2 or maps, and other bullshit, but now with golf!
That was in his level though he sais that because shes a woman and on the west coast means McCain will win, when Obama's voters approve of him...
Ok so you don't think Oboma appeals to nobody? He's black (At least half) and that is a vote from other blacks, asians, latinos, and most people...
STFU, if a terrorist attacked your country and killed thousands would it be a big deal?
Wtf who would have guessed nemi was pedobear!? I got to Scituate Highschool, cant find pix. Weed, beer, sex capital of MA
Its also mine =( I wanna say RIP to all the people who died there including a man me and my dad were friends with god rest all their souls. I...
ur milkin it now
IF it does kill us all, it might be so quick we wont notice it. If it works technology would excel into a new age so I would say go for it.
Makes me wonder if you can stick a spike grenade to a rocket, that would be a epic death.
It sounds more like citedal though. Moonbase's description sounds like your assaulting something and in this case a citedal.
Barack for many reasons I am middle class Democratic Less use of oil Pull out of iraq Looks pretty trust worthy McCain is a war monger and to...
probly in RPG's and i remember a boss in army of 2 with a gold AK, the noob must have boosted.
It has bin confirmed go to the bungie weekly update.
Search bar wins, u dont.
"Suicide is always a viable option." and what are the side effects?
Ok this ****ing headache has really bin painful for me and I started getting it late august. It spans from the back of one of the teeth at the...