You basically just edited this map: Cyclone Speed and made it your own. And no you can never be allowed to use someone elses map even if you edit...
To be honest i dont think you really put too much effort.
Looks great. Does it lag when the fusion coils explode though?
Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢ Looks quite interesting and neat. I like the serpent
Re: Bunker Hillv3 thank you. The wire spool was never meant for that but it is a good idea. If you anyone ever gets a kill with a wire spool...
not too be mean but i know you said taking screenshots is too complex but still. You can still take screens. And the video has to be embed as well...
Nice model of a ship. It looks interesting and also you made it so it plays with infection.
I really like this map. It is a good idea and is very neat.
Re: Dragon Trials (MAZE / PUZZLE) They must be embed or else people wont see that you didnt put much effort into it.
interesting concept. This is the wrong map section though try mini games.
Truly a good map. I love the concept and how the chute is merged. Keep it up Shock keep it up
Re: Bunker Hillv3 attackers do have nades but inside it is very big so and there is some cover so no not really that easy to kill just by...
you never told me you were working on this! nice map though more pics please
great idea but maybe make everything a little neater. Trust me people will see that you really care... Other than that great idea.
Thank you for posting more pics. When i get my xbox back i will assurely download.
Re: Bunker Hillv3 well those are just too small things and really the grav lift i never wanted it there but i got outvoted(those sons of....) and...
Re: A Forged House "Fido's House" (fixed) Thank you for fixing it. I must say cookies keep up the good work make more and more and more until you...
there are too many junkyards fortune cookie....
quite an impressive map i didnt find out about the loft until a few hours into the game lol. everyone was suprised there was a loft.
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack more pics of each map please