Yum! For scenary I want squirrels running around and also rabbits.
Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval Sweet! Im gonna do things like play with her....... In monopoly.
Re: Bunker Hillv3 The hill was made with laying the walls on stairs.
Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval Sexiest Oval i've ever seen. May I take it out to dinner?
People make their medical tents out of the bridges. If you did that this would be the most accurate turf remake their but because of that im sorry...
Not bad even though i've seen maps like these before but still 4/5
Re: Bunker Hillv3 If you have any ideas for any maps that you think would be cool and original please PM me and I will respond to each of yaou...
I like that time equipment idea. I've always wanted to have laser sight or something on a gun in halo.
Re: Max's Mingame Map Pack V1 (Death by SUMO!, Kwulball, Ruin Crater v2) I like the sumo one the best. In all honesty I never got a chance to...
I agree. Very great map.
You can edit your post. By the way your racing map the bowl is just you editing The Cyclone racing map by WaterBoy72. Even if you edit it it can...
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the...
Please put a description. And maybe a few more pics if possible.
These kind of maps arent really my favorite but not bad.
gears of war 2 comes out in november while vegas 2 comes out this month. You should get both.
Re: Elevation Hill No it doesnt always spawn correctly unfortuantely... But it works most of the time.
Re: Elevation Hill [url=http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17252422]Orangeremi's Elevator. Probabaly the best Elevator to date.
Re: Elevation Hill Your elevator is just like the one Orangeremi made. Just with a dumpster.
Re: Bunker Hillv3 Thanks guys for all of the comments. Once I get my xbox back I will be able to work on new maps with my friends. We will be...
Re: Valhallan Fury (BETA map) This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map...