I really had no hope/expectations for this playlist, so I can't say this is particularly surprising or disappointing to me. However, it still...
I'm most certainly not a religious person but I have a lot of respect for Mormons as people. I've had a few live near me when I was younger and...
Sorry dude..won't be on..flying back to Canada
whacha doin
Are you kidding? All MLG maps lag. All the default bungie maps have the exact same "hiccups", their remake of Sanctuary lags. Forge is...
TC, you probably titled the topic a little...off. You should have expected the "phasing makes everything amazing" argument. However, I do agree...
Same, people unfairly call small hiccups being overstated because of their crappy TVs framerate issues with the map. No denying the Reach has...
I like the name
Gah..blew my friggin no one left behind..the entire time I was worried about Jack, kept her out of all situations that could kill her..then I was...
Sorry, I meant to respond earlier and ask you, but where specifically was the rendering issue? We were worried about adding a light...but we...
yeah k one sec
It was pretty good..got sick on christmas day. What have you been up to? I finally have internet down here
Ah, I was on the other side of security though
Howd your christmas go? Can't say when I'll be back we're waiting on ATT
I wanted to post on your wall and tell you i was in your state but the Newark airport isn't a fan of free wifi i guess
If you can find someone to do the update. I have no internet
Are you really arguing that people on forge hub don't kiss ass and vote for their friends crappy maps rusty? I'm very saddened :(