Alien Mothership came out of the sky and floats on top of Johannesburg. The ship seems to be broken, as the aliens are not able to return home,...
Yes, the ending is one thing that I thought they did a really great job on.
I'm pretty sure they took away parts of the HUD for recording purposes.
I think it's actually the other way around.
Meh. It's getting alot of attention and looks of high quality, but I just don't have any interest in playing it. Probably just not my type of game.
Great background music. YouTube - Michael Gray - The Weekend
Yeah, and I liked that, but this one has more bass and I luuuuuv it. The original did have one of the most badass music videos ever though, lol.
I've had this song stuck on infinite loop for like the past 2 hours non stop.
YouTube - Audiosurf: Bag Raiders - Fun Punch (Bag Raiders Remix)
Where do you find such awesome music!?
After the name "Cataclysm" was trademarked by Blizzard for use in online games, many began speculating it must be the name of the new expansion...
Did it wurk? And if not, PUNCH IT HARDER!
I agree that the pacing and events that happened earlier in the movie were necessary to convey the message and atmosphere of the movie that they...
Very interesting desktop. I actually like it alot. Only suggestions would be to make "The" and "Threshold" more separate and that most of the...
Either that or your power button has somehow become dislodged from the internal hardware. I'm not entirely sure this is even possible, but I've...
Well I suppose you've got me there XD. No I've never been to Johannesburg, but I think it would be more important for a movie to help the audience...
What other movies did we not share opinions on? Also, I saw the movie last night. Before I say anything, I just want to make it clear that I did...
Lock, RST, CaMOfo, Randle, Iron Tusk, ScarFac3d, all those cool cats. I used to play with Agamer quite a bit, but not as much anymore :(
I know there are people like this out there, but certain things were just too obvious to ignore.
Obviously fake. Don't let them troll you.