o.O I used to play GW and really enjoyed it, but this... this is just on a whole other level. In game graphics looked amazing, environments were...
They're just drawings showing how your decisions on things that happen around the kingdom will affect how your followers feel about you and act...
2010. Most likely the second half. That's all the info we have right now.
Where'd you post it, just in the shoutbox? But no, I saw this article on 1UP.com several hours ago and a little bit after that I thought I'd make...
'Splosion Man is tons of fun for only 800 points. I'd recommend that. Trials HD is fun although I'm still debating on whether or not it's worth...
That wasn't exactly my point...
I'm assuming you meant Assassin's Creed, not Assassin's Creed 2. And yes, that was what I loved about the combat. You could make it as complex as...
Fable 2 was easy because the main aspects of the game were to explore the world, run businesses, have a family, help out townsfolk; not the...
YouTube - Fable 3 (HD) - Gamescom 09: Reveal Teaser Trailer Fable 3 First Details [spoiler] If ya'll would like, I'd be happy to frequently...
Can't wait. Should be good. I'm hoping they make the detective gameplay just as interesting. I'm afraid I might not like those portions of the game.
When does it come out? Tuesday, right?
Trust me they are making one. Benji's link is a blog from a Bethesda employee and they said they are definitely making another.
Global Warming is a natural occurrence on Earth that cannot be stopped. Humans are slightly increasing the rate at which Global Warming will take...
My penises have teeth as well.
Ah, I see. I never moved, but this school just got built within the same district, and it's closer so I got assigned to that school.
You going to a new school too?
YouTube - John 5 - Black Widow Of La Porte
Matty, you need to get this game so'z I can play your custom tracks.
<3 flr