I believe it is illegal in some states for anyone under the age of 18 to have sex.
Because if you get pregnant when you're 15 you will almost undoubtedly have a ****ed up life. It should only be illegal to have unprotected sex...
I hate that guy so goddamn much. The "Hey forum," guy. Not the fatass.
Story - Mass Effect In all honesty, Mass Effect's story was fairly cliche. The great thing about it is how they told the story. Interesting pieces...
Hey there, Woodgrain. Nice to have you. I see you're using green text. If you look at the bottom left of every page you will see a drop down box...
Pretty awful day. Woke up at 7:45 only to realize school doesn't begin til tomorrow. Then I took a shower and got some **** in my eyes that wasn't...
I would assume you could use it with any class that has ranged attacks.
I doubt it will be on the 360, but you never know.
YouTube - Star Wars: The Old Republic Demo - GC 2009: Walkthrough Pt.1 YouTube - Star Wars The Old Republic Walkthrough Pt 2 YouTube - Star Wars...
Overused stock is overused.
Guys go check the Universal WoW thread at the top. I posted an article that shows specific terrain changes and talks alot about the starting zones...
I'm not sure, it was just announced yesterday.
Here's a great article that details zone specific terrain changes and both the Goblin and Worgen starting areas and their quests. Trust me, it's a...
They did a really good job with this. One of the only Machinimas that I actually laughed at.
This is really an expansion. Blizzard just wants to fit in more expansions before they reach the almighty 100 level cap and they also want more...
In all honesty, I'm not digging Game 3 as of now.
It means that now Humans can be hunters and Orcs can be paladins. Neither of those are confirmed changes, but that's what they're talking about....
Pretty awful trailer, but it looks like almost every rumor about this expansion was correct.
Wait, does EotN not come in the Trilogy?
Ah, guess I'll get the trilogy then.