Thats looks awesome. I see allot of people doing the whole underground thing, I should try :squirrel_chatting:
yeah, that would be coool, I'll see what I can do. I've tried changing the text colour to be more bright but it sorta looked out of place with the...
Those walls in the middle are very neat, good job
Thats cool! Thanks for doing that.
lol I suppose that link is obvious, I wonder if I went to Anyway, try mine cos it does it all in one.
I really like that. Could you do mine for me? The sig is bellow \/
Re: Post your desktop! Right now, I kust made my new sig and a background to match. It changes ALL the time. I also have the Zune theme for...
Oh thats nice. Arbiter and the Chief are very cool in that sig. 8/10
I use Paint for everything (i don't have anything else lol). I think is allot more versitile than people think.
Yeah thats cool. i used MS Paint to make mine :)
In the custom games menu you can pick the stuff that you want a custom power up to do. make sure a custom power up is on the map you have and then...
I like how you did the bases. I can never think what to put in there when I make maps lol.
No, I use windows movie maker for all my videos. I really want a Mac lol.
ow my eyes! Now my vision is all blurry...
I just finished making it and wondered if you liked it. Look Below
Heres a REALLY good program. Its called Youtube Downloader and all you do is find the video on Youtube and load the program, then copy the link of...
It looks really cool, but I've seen two other loops on Standoff on youtube lol
Also, try to straighten out those boxes ;)
yay. I'm so glad people like it. I've made Grand Theft Halo and Halo-Life videos too lol. You can see them on my youtube page if u like Then you can eather create an account like ShadowSnip3r said or just press upload, select the file location, and it will upload...