For the angry one you could make the eye go bright red then make the monitor explode lol.
I see it. Doesn't look like a jackel though, more like a dinosaur. "jackel jackel, its a jackel, jackel!" "It wasn't right the first time, why the...
Foundry maps. Foundry is awesome. Also I want to see how people have made maps in Foundry that others haven't. Also, if it isn't in Foundry or...
Well I think it looks good. You just need to polish it up a bit. Straighten some lines and not make the wall that blocks the bases off look so messy.
That secret tunnel isn't very secret anymore lol. But this map looks awesome! Whats with the last picture?
Why all the questions? lol, but seriously, I don't think the ranks matter that much
This is the 3rd map I've seen in a row that hasn't been posted properly. AAAH!!
I can help too. I've made this website on freewebs: Its just about all the stuff I made, but I think its really good. If...
Easy way to get objects stuck in the walls and floors of Foundry
Is that gears of war? I like it but its a bit too blue (wait, its all blue lol) you cold make the people or the text differant colours. 8/10
Ok, thats useful to know, instead of having to try and lay it flat in the air.
You mean you can make it stick to the side of a box and move the box?
I saw this map on Youtube. I like the leveling thing, like one side is high and the other low
"This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the...
Thanks for that, I'm sure it will come in handy
You need to do the save and quit trick. Position ythe sheild door the way you want it and then, while holding it in place, save and quit. Reload...
Rosebud is a cheat fool. :squirrel_jaffa:
"You wanna apple juice" "Yeah I wanna apple juice" "Ok, Lets get you an apple juice" lol
Thats a really good layout you got there Could you make the pictures bigger please??
Is there anything that I need improving on? For future maps..