The power weapons are in the pics if you look for them, but there are now defined "bases" because there was no real reasons for bases in a...
I seriously would if I wasn't going on holidays until Jan 3rd without my xbox...
OK, I got three entries for ya 1) Pulse By Iv0rY Snak3 - Asymmetric (TS KoTH and Ball Recommended) 2) Delerium By Iv0rY Snak3 - Two base...
Download Pulse here Pulse is an asymmetric four floored map that derives it's inspiration from a wide range of forgeworks, most notably iTs...
one last MLG map to post then I disappear for a while on holidays.
I hated it so I gave it to my friend to play around with (he ain't bad with forge, I've taught him a bit) and he'll post it when he sees fit...
Download Delerium Here Delerium is a two base map with two lines of symmetry much like Onslaught. With Delerium, I wanted to try for a different...
Download Cenotaph Here Cenotaph is a hang 'em high inspired asymmetrical two base map. Its recommended gametypes are multiflag CTF (Ons V5) and...
Why not?
You're Welcome.