You're all saying that atlas/halo is for casual gamers so they chose a casual map... SO WHAT?! Why would you not choose what is widely considered...
Yeah, if sandbox ain't good, we'll take Urk hostage and hide him in the staff tower...
As far as I know, it was taken over by Shishka as he is the Playlist Overlord, but he did not do it off his own prerogative, but rather cause they...
Wha? What'd I do? I'm just stating a fact seeing as that other guy said that it was a solution to the problem that everyone seems to have. all I...
Fence walls over xbox live screw up the shot registry meaning that maybe 1 in 5 shots (unless you're host) will hit... and sniper bullets will...
I'm waiting for the V2... Also, to make this less spamalicious, I can see where Nemi's coming from in that if we react badly Bungie will see no...
Whatever happened to EOTL Unglitched?
just when I had two maps to submit...
It's not the lottery, that's luck, this isn't luck
there is a room that can only be entered by a teleporter at each end... and seeing as the flag is instant kill in MM there will be much camping in...
I lol'd cause everyone basically just said that Octoplex was better than Kentucky Tango...
Ain't it obvious? they want a crap user-made map so that the default foundry looks good... at least... that's the only plausible explanation I...
i found age of empires 2... but not warcraft 3...
i'm pretty sure that i've lost the disc... i'll take another look though
watch them while you're driving... and drinking... and talking on your phone...
Ok... Now drive to me
your Photoshop?
Tickets to sydney? *crosses fingers*
Eh... I might go today...
Oh Fine cause I gotta get a new mic...