Lol Dum, I mean Dom, whatever. I think we should just settle on what common ground we share. I don't neccessarily agree with your forge knowledge....
You said it wasn't biased. Go look at one of your comments on my profile. It says it was biased.
Wai wia wait. Just a second ago you said that yes it WAS biased. But in your thread it says otherwise. Care to explain?
Lol, reputation? It is online. What people think of you has little bearing or affect on anything, if at all. Don't worry about you "reputation"....
No I just found it funny. See, you thought you'd make everyone agree with you. Instead, people such as Mallet told you off and how my map did not...
I just now saw your forge "suggestion" thread. I loled:lol: at the comments made about Jedwali. Then I super loled:lol::lol: at how everyone...
And I'm with THAT.
Im not able to make that call. Talk to G043R or Matty, just link them to your reviews and show them what youve got.
What example? Give me a link to it and I'll strike down the blasphemous one!
Did you review with at least 50% percent of your party with Review Hub members? Cuz if not u know this will not be recorded as they are not official.
Of all people I'm surprised it was you...
Omg.... u havent been getting my pms all along... Oh... god...
HAHAHH! Oh you know what plan B is! Lulz Tex, why so sarcastic?
Lolooloolol! Ahhh, good times good times! Thank god there is a plan B, yes?
Who's arguing? Lol, stop trying to make me seem like I'm arguing. Before that though... Umm..... maybe..... like.... two months? EDIT: I went...
Almost two weeks ago. So, not yet... "recent weeks". Lol, still got you there.
Dom dom dom/.... this is no cause for raised voices and harsh words. Please, let's join handas and sing. I'm just telling you what I and all who I...
Cough. I have done a review recently... Lol. They still have to "validate" but still its obvious hes a good member. Soory to see you leave.
Lol Domi, it's fine it looks good. It's just many people I've played with have come to the same conclusion. I'm just tellign you what happens when...
Ok for the most part you did a thourough review, but, maybe needs to be a little more in depth. There are a few things I'm going to point out....