Something to happen? Hrm.... well that was an obvious request for getting it featured.. hahah, try being more inconspicous
Holy **** that looks secksy, but, I think I might try with you for a more skaty feel, like not just a few structures scattered through foundry,...
Ok for like a mongoose or a ghost or something? well that sounds cool, but let me warn you about forging with me. Im a perfectionist, if something...
Skate park for......?
Ok then, coolzorz. Well just so you know it might be about a week before I get around to it, cuz I'm pretty busy but ya I'm looking forward to it.
dude ignore the message i wrote in ur rep sry it was meant to go to the creator of the map but hey, at least you have +11 more rep now.
Click on my sig thing that says review hub if you want to know more, there you will find the links to reviews of the hottest maps and whether or...
Whoa dude... normally I wouldn't comment on a map just from the pictures, but this map looks like the ****. I mean wow. I love the whole intricate...
Pah! Ah well its no longer that big of a concern to me, I just made it as practically in-escapable as I could. Oh well..
ive actually been wuite active just not neccesarily in the forums you browse, more involved with others, testing and stuff
Cathedral look eh? Hrm... well.. Cathedral's are generally pointed at the top and this is far from it, but, if it does give you that impression...
lol its k, i was just cranky, u shold check out the v2 though, itll likely be the last update, just getting all the bugs I CAN FIX outta the way
Ok everyone, although it is early, I thought it would be best the best possible option to clear up any emerging issues early. This will most...
Oh and could you please not take that vid off lol. Cuz I just watched it and generally I can say no one else will fgure it out unless you just...
Well actually on my map, the players are supposed to "switch" bases when each other team has taken over the other's base. It is supposed to make...
lol sry. I am posting the "updated" version of Ribcage today, blocking off the fence boxes, moving the fusion coils around, fixing the misplaced...
Hey dude thanks for the feedback on Ribcage. jut want you to know I'll be posting the updated version tonight, and there will be one spawn area...
interesting.... no ine else has managed that so can you just like keep that tween you and i, cuz i luv the fusion coils where they are
idk, didnt even know about warlot till u s=mentioned it, but i might. But umm i dont use skype, i use ichat n my brand new mac
Tommorrow would be better. And I haz posted Ribcage in comp maps too.