I kinda wish people would go read what rusty eagle posted in this map's original thread... It offers probably the best and most truthful review of...
I think you should go read read my mini-review for Chalice. I liked your map overall, please read it though and consider what I've said.
Ok, now that I've read through all the comments to make sure no one has pointed this out, I can. From the pictures, this map looked amazing. That...
I offer my name on the "petition" as well. Although my gamertag is spelled with two capital I's in The YeIIow. I hope that those bungie members...
Well then what does make up for it? I can't keep doing this with people, I just can't seem to be understood on the internet. I guess that's why...
Dom Im sry but those members.... definately not thought higher of. Im sure maybe a few people in your little circle disagree, but as a whole,...
Yeah I totlally copied even though Ive never sen ur sig. Sry but Chips gave me the idea.
How long have u had that in ur sig?
I actually happen to kinda like it myself.
HAHAHAH Camofo, mine is soooo pro and u know it.
I just tire of Dom's over the top rage over a calm explanation of my truth, not neccesary.
Bumping all this crap to page 2.
Meh, idc if you delete them, still takes up space.
Actually Dom. You were right. You were absolutely right to tell me that my siutation and experiecnes are wrong. Thanks fro bringing me to the...
Thanks for the rick roill, i linked it to y sig pic.
Lol why?