You love it.
LOL. Not sure if I should be flattered or scared....
yeah sure I'll be on in a second.
Most definitely :0)
Temporarily locked. Under investigation for Modding,
Your girlfriend sleeps for work? Man, I need a job like that.
Cool, I'll be on tonight so if you are testing I will be down.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Hahaha....We could have also not voted for each other and had the same effect, but this way is much more comical.
I am voting for you now also.
Haha, ok.
LOL, I'll vote for you if you vote for me :0)
Doesn't really matter right now, all round one does is determine who gets to round 2 and it looks like at least the 2 of us will make it. It's...
Sweet. You inspired me to go to Taco Bell also. It was the second time this week actually, and yes I do have a death wish.
I know it's impossible to know, but this is almost an exact replica of my map and gametype Destruction Derby, gametype originally created by a...
Ignore that infraction my friend, I reversed it. After doing umpteen million reported posts sometimes you mess up and infract the reported post...
Niiiiice....What did ya get??? What movie ya seein??? When is testing?!?!?!? I need answers!!!!
Please change your status quote. It's inappropriate and you have 24 hours or I will have to infract you.
I didn't realize you were voting for your own map. You are not allowed to vote for your own map, it's rule number 1. Unfortunately your vote is...