Just thought I'd let y'all know, Females are also being circumsized. I'm not sure what the tradition/religious reasoning behind it is but the fact...
Thanks :D lol that was Dom's present he gave me
Oxygen. :P idk really.
Why thank you :D <3
Hey, whatchu playin at homie?!?!
.. >:|
Lol epic. Thanks you to the max :D
:D <3 Thanks dood xo
I think you were throwing a water bomb in it..?
Thanks dom. For my present. I want you to post that picture of you that you offered people to photoshop months ago. The one in which you look...
Happy Birthdaehh :] All the best for the future. Hot damn, you are a day older than me D: I turn 18 in under ten hours. Go me. Enough about me...
"Most users ever online was 394, 1 Day Ago at 10:00 AM."
Yayyyy :D thx. Happy Birthday for in a short week when I forget =]
I remember youUuu!
I'm pretty sure that it's a deployable cover that has been shot a couple times to make it go red. I could be wrong though.
Noooooooooooooooooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidnnnnnnnnnnnnnnttttttttt. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Even the pros make mistakes. Check out by page. See? d:
Dude that looks extremely superb. Deployable Cover in the background.. but how'd you get the ripples? You must share :P
*Infracts Shadow*
*Puts dukes up*