SKYPE HEADSET?!?! Holy **** rly? AWESOME. I am going to call you sometime, not now though. Going to go and play some halo. COME PLAY HALO.
Mutt! :D I like your hentai avatar ;]
Nemi is hacks
Wana fight about it? :D
I dun go on skype that much anymore. :C <3 I dare you
But... you don't have an xbox..? You are so god damn mysterious.. >:\ Nice clip though. I never even thought of getting up there. You guys are...
You didn't get the reference D: [IMG]****-thesilencebroken.html
Double accounts aye? Forge Hub Halo Forums - View Profile: Iv0rY Snak3 ;D
lawl dun wurry
Mumbo from that book?
Make a map
backkkkk Soup G. You should sleep, if I were you
Nothing, just popping in a game of social slayer before I pick up my brother from work at 12pm
:] filr
I gots ta go BBQ, bai
I don't have a problem with you, you might argue with everyone a little too much. but w/e