Erm, I don't recall the first game ever being on the 360, why the sequel? Wasn't there some fuss over the 360 not having DirectX10? Does that man...
It also would have been funnier if there was a real ramp in the background or something. Like you show this huge mega ramp, and the boarder...
When I finish my BBall map I'll be sure to post it in the group dun wurry!
This guy has a point... Take it off, take it all off! Oh yeah and remove the teleporters too ;) Here's a Pelican design one of our member's...
I love the idea (Someone said it's been done before, I'm not aware of this.). I think there are ways you could make it feel more like Mario Kart...
Oh good, I didn't find myself crashing into a wave of insanity then. Just the usual currents of crazy for me :D
I do not know what it is you're speaking of. Enlighten me squire! Edit: Never mind, I did some sleuthing. You may not know it, but I do actually...
There's always a way young Padawan. Hold out another object as far as you can and delete it, this "extends" your monitor's reach temporarily;...
A nice little discovery. I love it when people find interesting details like this! I may just have to find a way to use this effect in my latest...
You should do a youtube commentary of my map, once it's released :P
Yup, I've even done my first Feature Write-Up! :D You should hang around because in a week or so I'll finally be releasing that Basketball map...
Very well I'm, for bothering me! MWAHAHAHA <3
We shall see...We.Shall.See...
Oi Mander features! Got another job to add to your BBall Forgin' list-a-ma-bob: Angle the mancannons higher so the bomb travels further down...
Now I know where it all went wrong... I was smoking games, ****ing trees, and playing ho's *facepalm* My gaming spirit was temporarily...
Hell, I'll take the two week effect. I can't even get a girl to like me for 2 minutes! Anyway, yeah chalk it up to being young. Furthermore,...
This sounds like a pretty ingenious game and I'm gonna try it out, but a quick question/suggestion: Would it not benefit gameplay to have a small...
End of next week I believe. I'm going on holiday next week and I think it changes when I get back. On-Topic: At work and have a horrid cold,...
Heh, sorry if we're being overly defensive of our work. We've just put a lot of hours/days/months into this is all and we've spent the longest of...
Well, no, but I'd rather be on the safe side. 1) you could theoretically slam dunk in your own hoop within the 10 seconds before the pallet...