definately this needs more pictures and a better description... i dont no anything about this sept for an explosion and sword to knock boxes...
wow this looks really nice... its definately original too never have i seen anything like this... the start was really nice... the back to start...
hey man i dont think the weapon layout is right needs some work and some things look slopy and im not talking about the stufff that is sopposed to...
that looks like it could be fun... so zombies rush in from both sides.... not sure the teleporter spawn camping is cool tho.... i see the path...
looks like u put some time into it... more would help tho maybe try n get the sheild doors flat and remove the soccer balls but thats just a...
looks like u did to many power weapons... remove some weapons and add some more COVER... looks like it would be fuin for a HUGE paprty of multi...
give it something origianal if u want more downloads... interlock more to make it smooth... dont take pictures in a forge oracle... um needs more...
there was some interlocking tho it could use alot more i liked the layout but maybe do more w/ the "HUTS"... the barns where nice i think the...
FIRST... looks too open and empty middle structure looks cool... i think u need to interlock more!!!! and mayb even geo merge... layout looks...
i like the looks of things reminds me of i map i making... interlocking smooth... layout is nice... everyhting looks good... maybe a bit too...
FIRST... well it is a good idea and everything i think u should interlock more i no i no its sopposed to be BOUNCY but it can look nice and be...
well well welll... this map looks really nice n some place like u spent alot of time to make it then... i scroll down a bit n see slopyness lol......
i really like how the map is so little of this little of that not straight just BAMMM... lol i like the merging interlocking looks like it was...
looks nice not for sure on the layout i was on the edge w/ it... i really like the weapon layout seems right for the map... i like the geomerging...
Looks nice try getting some air battle in there i see u got a prowler now a banshee... looks nice for interlocking smooth and stuff... now just...
when can u guys play???
alright see you later than good luck with the homework n illl be on tom. if i dont go to carn.
see ya good luck
i will def. be there anxious to see what uve come up w/ this time...