hey i have a really good in my opinion minigame idea n i wanna wat u think bout it n if u like if u will help build... ill send a private i guess...
the map is keeping up in the number one thread for some time i think it will get a future in v.3 if u nvr would have ,mentioned a v.3 u might have...
this map looks really creative... i like the aesstetics that it has ... nice design goood layout... interlocking is smooth... i dont like the door...
i like the layout... the interlocking is really smooth... the idea is very creative it looks really good and has an effective layout... and i no u...
this looks really really good... the layout is good to.... nice to see ppl taking the time to do that... i like the aesthetics tho im not liking...
thoose pics arent great consider spacing them out (cntr + enter) so we can see them better... you need to interlock... and geomerge... the map...
FIRST interlocking looks nice... geomerging i didnt see... i wish u would give this map more pop thats what it is missing... im still confused...
that looks REALLY nice... smooth interlocking... flat geo merging... layout seemed nice... maybe rockets were a bit too much but im not a rocket...
well it looks really nice... smooth interlocking n such... i would like to see more pictures or some way to no wat the layout is like cause this...
some looks really good and some things dont look very good... smooth interlocking some was crocked tho... nice geo merging... layout looks a...
this looks really nice... i can tell u spent a lot of time perfedting the layout... nice job on it... missing download link tho or im stupid......
okay i couldnt get the bullet points to work either... n is there nething u want to change cause u can change it the story isnt great... i have...
they looks pretty cool i think u did a good job interlocking looks nice... layout looks really good... seems like a simple yet creative design......
i like how u edited the photos lol there funny... map ;looks nice interlocking and wat not is pretty smooth tho i would like to see more out of it...
there needs to be more pics... we dont no wat the map is like... interlocking looks decent but we need more pics to go off n the description...
FIRST... i liked alot of the map but some parts i didnt like... i can tell u put alot of work into it... interlocking is nice... geomerging is...
looks good... nice job on interlocking and geo merging... u like cones huh lol... they give it color tho and that is good... nice map layout looks...
WOW that looked really good... beats 3/4 the maps on Fh... NICE APPEAL 5/5 weapons seam 5/5 layout 5/5 interlocking nice total is 4/5 not quite a...
well when i loooked at the normal scrrenshots i thought it was too complicated and didnt think much of it... then i saw the action shots... the...
now thats pretty creative... well made nice job on everything... maybe make the flag spawn and capture under the box that would be cool... good...