WOW lol that is bad...
IVORY TOWER doesn't this bring back ur best memories [IMG]
LOL i wouldnt tell ppl im freinds w/ u lol no offense but its not like ur creator... n no there is no personal gain n u adding me to freinds......
i like em all expecially the Somtin Pretty and Greenbound nice effects w/ thos... ur good entered in any comp. w/ ur shots??? i wanna see MORE
I support that... i no im a newer user also... but i have been an unseen member of forgehub for quite some time but only made an account for the...
i like it... looks neat lowered sniper is tight looking... looks old and the longer u look the more apperent the red and blue are... nice three-D...
sorry to hear bout u cat Scopulus... this be Boyle06 from ur freinds list on xboxlive
so can we go about r buisness posting as we r cause im not taking an infraction for something dumb...???
this looks pretty good... nice interlocking.. like the fence wall that shoothroughable lol... i like i like... nice job w/ the oversheld... i...
thats actually pretty good... use guidelines to get things straight... more interlocking... little more into the layout n this would be nice......
thew map looks good nice interlocking... door is nice idea is great maybe add a roof... n more pics or a bigger description.. or even BOTH :> that...
looks really nice.. snack machine is cool might take some stuff off tho ... but 15 sec is short... nice interlocking and geomerging... more pics...
state of shock i wish i never met you
looks pretty good interlocking is nice and smooth and layout seems good maybe put more things into the layout... and more color... weapon layout...
hey u have ne music u want for the vid... ... ...
hey how far r u on the vid.... just wondering not rushing u... have u picked a song or would u like us to do that... n we r dying to see what u...
That is really nice... interlocking is smooth... geomerging is perfect... layout is win maybe a bit more cover on the bases... weapon layout is...
OMWFGHWQNW if u understand that u good cause its just random capitol letters... FINALE post wow i was waiting hoping... N I NO MY VOTE DOESNT...
i like this map nice job interlocking nice and smooth... action shots good... layout nice... warthog works like the one halo2 map i cant think of...
i like the idea so that zombies flank from all sides and u sit like sheep to the slaughter fending them off like a u cover my back thing... i like...