ya i think that is really neat... maybe more emphasis on the writing... but other than that the sig looks pretty good... nice work... i like 9/10
I think it is over looked and that people should get their animals taken away... i think things should be punished more than they are... only...
i agree w/ lord... punting = win sauce n no ive never seen it b4... but put someting FH in there.... if u no what i mean i think u should do...
lol sounds creative... i would do another structure on the side to to make it more playable and try to bring action on the main level part cause...
This layout is great... playability seems great... i would replace the upside down stairs w/ a geo merged box... or flip em normal... n the...
a bit to open and the bases sit a little to high... but the building structures are original nice job interlocking and everything looks pretty...
THIS LOOKS REALLY REALLY GOOD best one today i think... im lovem the layout man cannon is good layout is great... more pics are needed tho... i...
some parts LOOK AMAZING LIKE 6/5 n other parts r 3/5... i dont like the bridges part doesnt look good... i really like this map tho 40 things...
I SEE IT... he has blue eyes and a spatula and fusion coils for a nose... i win i win... thats pretty funny lol nice job on it lots of detail......
This map is really nice just like hurricane... the twist and curves n all r just epic its rather smooth... it is a simple layout maybe something...
Wow this track is epice win i love it curves n all its smooth vid is awesome... not sure i like the begining but the rest is AMAZING... wow this...
Yes i am indeed i am to posting waiting for my video preveiw to get done... u send me one at Boyle06.... weapins and equipment r my favorite part...
well u did a good job i like the tele porters but the dome version beats this... but it reminds me of the ghost version... u did do a good job...
wow thats a really really really nice layout... everythings looks like it took alot of time... but u need to use more interlocking... layout is...
mine did tue. i beleive stupid mistakes as a unsc
i LIKE this is really neat... u have a different style of forging... its neat but its random yet its orginized... lol i really like this... u like...
looks pretty kool... i like it... nice job... nice nice nice... like the drop pod idea u should use it... but i like more pics maybe... looks good...
i dont think i did lol ha this is gr8... i didnt mean to sorry to see ur warned... sucks huh happened to me too
welll it is a good idea... i like it... but i would change layout if u want competitive... think bout were the lines of sight are make it equal......
Boyle06 lol y u ask