This looks really good...use a foundry designer maybe i no there hard to work w/ but they help or even draw ur own... looks nice interlocking...
1. Open up your Internet Browser (I use Firefox) and go to our dearly, and go to My Stats/Find a Player. [IMG] 2. Then, go to...
i am im waiting for some1 to finish my video then it will be out i will PM u preveiw lol i donno why i like doing this... i think im going to post...
looks nice... maybe put more details into the wings but other than that thats really neat heard it was first test cant wait to see final where u...
4/10 ohhhh thats harsh i guess i better step it up w/ pop. huh lol... welll ill start w/ u then lol Boyle06... come here TOO MUCH almost on here...
that one is AWESOME... how u do this ... or is it complete secret lol or am i stupid and just cant see that its obvious... i like this one... the...
thats pretty cool.... perfect timing or was it planned???? b/c thasts pretty cool.... i like the colors that they like r 1/2 n 1/2.... i think the...
wow v.3 is really nice.... good job on the win lol "i love u mods" whats that about lol.... v.3 = win 8/10
definite cheating... lol what u mean did u ever platy halo 2... its definitely cheating beyond question... well if there hiding and in the lead...
thats really good nice job on it... maybe a little less on the figure its getting a little to hard to see him... but this is really good red and...
If this is true im going to SCREAM W? EXCITEMENT... nice find... i wish they would release pictures of the maps other then assyembly... n body...
thats really cool i like how u wrote in the sky on the other one... nice work looks reall cool how long did this take u?
consider making it like the jimmy hendrix like the one SPAGETTII did in the sig contest... it seems to work really well... maybe add more to...
this thread is really getting started lol i reread through it but didnt see nething about Ivory Tower... now come on it is an awesome map... its...
I vote SPAGETTII his is really color ful... the affects are great and dispite the color u still can see jimmy Hendrix... n the blur is also great...
nice idea... but take some explosives away n put it somewhere out of the combat... or u no what would be cool... but the weapon part up high so u...
Hey im Boyle06 joined n Agust i think im newer too... i love making maps but would love to play them w/ u too... Gt:Boyle06 add me
well, when a child steals it isnt his sin in the catholic relgion if his parents tell him too, but dogs and ppl are very different... a dog has...
Science isnt a relgion... relgion in my opinion is based on FAITH... believing something we cant prove... science is something that tells the...