the more i watch the vid. the moer i like it u did really good job... i wish u would have put it fast w/ all the nades and br's so it was like...
um im still waiting to post redemption member that one... but idk when to post it wat do u think the best day and time would be i want ppl to see...
THIS IS SO CREATIVE... graves thats original please tell me the zombies come from there lol thats so cooll... the windmill is REALLY nice... i...
I think it need more structures i get wat ur going at but its alittle to open for infection the zombies would have to be a little over norm. speed...
this looks really cool... nice job... critisism, add more action pics... give us a layout of some kind... remarks nice job on the interlocking...
i like the idea... but i think u could have made it better.... this is really creative.... i was waiting for some1 to make this.... if u didnt...
lol i can see ur disgruntlementation lol (wow i used a base words and added EPICNESS) w/ this if i had low self asteam and was tricked by an...
nvr seen someone post the ending budget lol... but ne ways i thbk more pics would help... more interlocking not that there is NONE but there need...
well this looks like it would be fun as far as looks go tho an odd array of walls and bridges dont look good... but the bridge ramp was nice......
well well welll.... this map look like a good layout... take the time to interlock next time it takes 2/5 maps to 4/5 maps... think bout it......
looks really nice... some action pics would be appreciated... but um i like the layout... and it looks nice overall... put more pics... n more new...
looks like a really good idea... i no ur waiting for this comment so brace urself... more interlocking.... there i said it lol.... nice job tho......
YouTube - Redemption
COLIN GOT XBOX BACK :> i think my bro came home
I like TD pluginfreind and Zerosuns they seam the most practical... plus they have the most FH to them nice job u guys i want to see one o these...
I see both ways freedom of speech yes but... i would say more than 80% of the time protest can quickly turn to riots and its better to nip it in...
something tells me u cut and pasted w/ paint lol ha... nice try tho... wat will u post for a vid... give real post... vid should do it
tough one i wish i wouldnt have read what i means about u... but i would say flight i mean come on flying around empressing ppl... saving ppl......
WOW this is really really good i loved the other version but this is even better im likin the new floor the aesthetics are off the charts...
Nice job i commented on the other one... nice job interlocking is smooth geo crate lol is nice touch... does it take so much tele port tho???.......