how did u come across me? u will have to see it it is smaller than urban and a simple ACTION PACKED map... like idk if teabagging is possible do...
wow this looks great and is an AWESOME LAYOUT FOR A FLOATING BASE... norm ppl build it and squeeze tiny tunnels and dumb towers and what not but...
idk i dont want to vote on a map i havent played b4... but i am open to suggestions...
hey... nice to see u found me lol... have u seen my new map yet??? i co-hosted w/ STC Blaski45... itz epic win post coming soon working on kinks...
i voted C blok beta and Clockworks tho i think u should put more appeal into it to give it wat it needs to get featured which could be a simple...
looks nice i like the idea of taking this on room and making it playable for 2-6 ppl... looks like u did alot on this to pull it off.. i dont...
more pics with a better veiw... fix the post too hard to read... put more into the post... from what i could see it looked good just not...
needs something more... more layout expand on it... try and fill more of that space n make the interlocking smoother... looks like a nice map tho...
the pics arent working properly did u follow the stap like u were sopposed to here i will post them 1. take the pic 2. go to ur bungie GT 3. go to...
Far below FH standered u need to read rule b4 u post really this will probally get locked by mods u need to read the rules link above says RULES...
i have tried all three... must say the amount of work u put into theese to get everything smooth n right is unbeleivable i seriously hope this...
This is creative... i love these things... work on it looks nice interlocking n such is smooth which is nice... idea is great remingds me of...
Geo Merging and Interlocking r amazing... i can tell this took lots of work... design is really nice can tell it took forever.. but the weapon...
did u save the little ones u have to save the big ones after u click on them but i looked at them n ... nice geomerging... layout is lacking givr...
wow this looks AMAZING not sure the layout was that great... but its hard to work w/ a ship lol... first pic is great nice wrok must have taken a...
like the idea... seems like it would be fun to play... im not seeing the heeps of interlocking saw the wall in the box but that was bout it... try...
i would get more pic... embed the one u have linked... the post was nice interlock box for smoothnesss... but it looked nice... i like sheild...