sweet, a tunnel. the tunnel is a little sloppy but i'm working an something like that in my map so i know its hard. good job though. 4/5
how did he learn how to do that. nice job. cool pic
looks like you copied space age, or were inspired by it. either way. looks sloppy, maybe post a v2 with cleaner interlocking.
cool racetrack, pretty smooth, good turns, a quality map. 4/5. way to go.
can i be a judge.
like i care.
hello and welcome to forgehub. if you have any questions, please send a message to me. to do this, click on my name. also you should check out...
omg. amazing map man. i want to join your group really bad. look in my sig to see some of my maps. crazy good interlocking. this is gonna get featured
the first pic says it all. crazy map, beautiful. best first post ever. 5/5. great interlocking and geomerging
i looked at your map. its pretty nice, seems like a good infection map.
sweet these are great, there really funny. nice job. first post
cool idea, you just gave me an idea actually, but i won't explain it here, its now going into my vault of map ideas. good job, very origonal, no...
whats the idea? i personally wouldn't care, but others would.
you drive a hard point, thats what she said. sry i couldn't resisit. anyway. ya nice job, good interlocking, good layout, good everything, nice...
omg, i love this idea. air battles are awsome. nice job. good post.