Though, which do you prefer; bedroom eyes (current,) or "I'm looking at your porn/post" (old)
Why, whatever are you talking about?
Dat bedroom eyes
Twilight Sparkle goes Doo Doo for 3 minutes - YouTube
[IMG] I legitimately found this in an image search for "**** **** up spiderman," and I don't have a ****ing idea what it was doing up there....
As does purple on you ;)
I still am not entirely certain what happened... lol.
-insert dramatic epigy- (like like a eulogy, except epic)
I don't even know. I'm just gonna roll with it.
*****, I live my life surrounded by girls, how could I NOT? Besides, YOU referenced it lol.
Its not that simple...
Maybe, y'know, we could go out back and nibble on some?
That is what your delicious color-theme reminds me of :3
Yay, png! Totally needs more tropical-skittles-ranks.
How did you manage to lower the quality of my image? D:
o/ or something
what a pro thread!
Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame! :(