Hey Is my sig the right size yet I was told before it was with in the right size? if not message me again.
I remember testing this and it works well for medium sized parties even though its set up for small games. Lone wolf styled games work nice and...
Barriers are too hard to move and pallets are easier to move and use as bridges /doors. You should as suggested just make a working model and show...
no its not lol . But on a real not its nice you made this pitfall/sumo gametype but I would have made this on anouther map that already has a...
Hey insane I might want my name changed soon on the website could you help with that?
I do enjoy this post because I am a guy that does in fact love using the screen effects to there best potential. Theres only a few maps where they...
<a href="MySpace Video - Watch & Share Videos, Video Clips, Music Videos, TV Show Vids & Movie Trailers Online - THROES OF...
Stealers they hit hard and play hard they desserve the win this year all though I wanted my Pats to have made it. :/ oh well.
I didn't need this book to know how to survive. 5 nessesities in a zombie out break/or real riot 1. Blunt object[ex alunimum baseball bat] 2.guns...
I love paramore :]
never hurts to try :]
nah its fine :]
what catagory do you want it under?
I like the pink name ,can I keep it ? It makes me feel like a bad boy. :]
It was featured not to long ago. Its a hand lol
just edit the post
hey dude remove the nomination for now lol they are infracting so just edit it and hold off they are fixing stuff
Thank you for your concern though :]
Its all in pms its not on a general forum and Im asking my friends if they would like to . Im not telling them they have to .