Ok good luck the one major problem you'll have is making the map that you lay down not explode when people or the mines explode near them. Dont...
Yes sandtrap has the mine field guardians which has already been made into a mini game in the past but sandbox has some really cool lasers in...
You can have all of that plus more on Sandbox lol are you not buying the maps? Theres so many options on Sandbox if you make this map it will just...
lol you cant be serious right?!? You kno sandbox is basicaly sandtrap but about 10 times better and larger and is forgeable. Why do you want to do...
Sounds retarded if you dont mind me saying lol. You might want to wait and do this on sandbox instead of sandtrap too just because you will...
Hey im in 5 of those pics ;] haha. The map IMO plays best in king of the hill which i liked the best while testing. Capture the flag also worked...
I do like this map and I can vouge for its very good gameplay . I playtested this map and it was one of the better conquest maps and i wouldn't be...
We could turn that around and say don't re-use ideas with out giving credit where its due and or doing it better than the older version. I would...
I approve its neatly made and even if it has been done before this is one of the better versions and I'm glad you did it this well. I think it...
Hes dirt and I stand by my friends decision to take out the trash we have lurking these forums. The conversation was between the two of them and I...
Agreed he didn't take critism on maps well and then he got all mad if anyone dissagreed with him. Im glad hes gone . Reynbow too ;]. Never talk...
The pics are to dark to even see what you actualy forged on the map. I reccomend taking normal non forge mode pics with before and after pics with...
I think you could have putt more actualy into the map itself since you have many non used objects at your disposal. You could even add a second...
Gametype : Field mice settings: color: [brown] yes they are black in the pics the pics are old. Speed: Gravity: Starting weapon: Motion Tracker:...
. The forest has many little secrets inside its walls including scattered rabbit holes which may hold thoughs pesky field mice. Also there is a...
Bunny Fu Fu [Story]" Bunny bunny fu fu hopping through the forest gathering up the field mice and bopping them on the heads", Description: Bunny...
lol "we"re no strangers to love" :] hes such a infamous computer celebrity.
Hes still the bomb lol oh and weed is not regulated by the olympic commitees since its only illegal in the us and great brittain ;] Why do you...
ill be able to help you hold on :]
I'd like the games bow man more than this retarded idea lol ;] or at least something with thought not damn flowers .