ya im good at getting people maps since ive played almost all the good things in Halo 3 thats been user created content. Tell me if you need any...
I think grunts should have a field rod upgrade for there last upgrade and i wouldnt mind having more upgrades for certain units[weak ones] Id also...
I kinda think Prince of Persia 4's graphics were better and that games violent so ya :] Flowers graphic arent that amazing IMO.
Invisibility because you can do things with out being seen lol only bad side is that your naked lol.
Yeah well Romans burnt Christians , Nazis burnt minorities, Ghangis Khan burt his enemies ,we burnt jappaneese[Hiroshima],The pope burned pegans...
sounds kinda good hopefully if you use the covenate you dont have to use grunts they blow lol i like honor guard eliets the most.
I use the prophet to harrass my enemy and once i weaken them enough i'll bring in heavy or more units. Honor guard eliets are very good for early...
I believe in pizza being created , therefore there is a god because pizza is delicious. My god is "Poppa John." I think this will not be solved...
Ah ok I was just curious if you had understood it better, it sounds like a survival or horde mode lol. "Keep away" sounds like oddball more than...
I don't understand reinforcment mode can you explain it better or in a simplified way lol?
This is such a fun map I have played this in a few TGIF's and it plays very good for large parties. I love the base layout and how theres no real...
Just roll your eyes back stick out your tounge and tell him to suck lolipops in hell and most of the time they will leave. If he continues to...
My games usualy last about 2+ hours sometimes 3 I can usauly defend against rushes and build up a respectable deffensive army while i tech them...
Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details theres the valhalla map u wanted.
I used my own gametypes when playing this and it really works with any FFA game i threw at it. Needler starts with smg secondary was pretty fun....
I already got a few different games in this and it plays pretty good only issue i had was some halways were alittle long and it took a few seconds...
ya no prob my name is Bunny fu fu on xforgery i'll see if i can vote i might have already.
I played with you before i think in Halo wars lol. I think your name should be .... Rennegade
Ok thanks I got the ctf map i'll find the rest anouther time. Oh and next friday can i re-test my fire game once we have players choice? Cause i...
if you can do that that would be great. :]